Vest Bargain Ever!

I know the title is such a bad pun, but it does hold the truth. The vest that I'm wearing in the photos above is from ...

I know the title is such a bad pun, but it does hold the truth.
The vest that I'm wearing in the photos above is from the brand Cotton On, and it has a faux fur kind of texture on the outside and a wooly texture on the inside. I got this vest not from Cotton On, but from Paperbag Princess - one of my favourite op shops here in Wellington. Because I got this from an op shop, it only cost me $8. I know! What a steal! I looked up it's original price, and it was worth around $40, if I remember correctly.

Another thing that I would like to mention in this post is my top. If there's anything I love more than my vest in this post, it has got to be exactly that, hands down.
The top is from Burberry, as some may recognise by the oh so icon plaid patter/colours. No, I didn't purchase it myself, although I wish I did haha. I got it from one of my guy best friends as a farewell present when I left the Philippines for New Zealand a year ago. Thanks boo (you know who you are)!

Cotton On vest, Burberry top, Pams sweater tights, Jo Mercer boots, and Kultura necklace.

♡ Bea Madeleine


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